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Rural Senior Centers

Pictured: Three Rocky employees preparing salads to be delivered with Meals on Wheels.

Senior Centers

Rural Senior Centers

Senior Centers offer older adults the opportunity to participate and socialize in a friendly atmosphere. Some centers serve meals every day, while others serve meals on selected days each week. Meals programs, provided at the following independently operated senior centers, are partially funded by Rocky’s Agency on Aging. In addition, Rocky Aging staff regularly visit and provide information to the senior centers.

Senior Center Locations

Augusta (406-562-3623) (134 Main Street, Augusta, MT 59410)

Boulder/Basin (406-225-3656) (201 South Main Street, Boulder, MT 59632)

Helena (406-447-1680) (200 South Cruse, Helena, MT 59601)

Lincoln (406-362-4504) (801 Main Street, Lincoln, MT 59639)

Townsend (406-266-3995) (516 2nd Street, Townsend, MT 59644)

Whitehall (406-287-5336) (3 North Division, Whitehall, MT 59759)