EAGLE MANOR RESIDENCES715 N FEE STREETHELENA, MT 59601PHONE: (406) 442-0610 TTY 711 FAX: (406) 442-1146 EMAIL: gdensmore@rmdc.netEagle Manor Residences consists of three separate properties connected by a common space. Henceforth, they will bereferred to as PEM, EM2, and EM3.
In PEM (Penkay Eagles Manor), we have studio and one-bedroom apartments. The rent is a sliding scale with a minimumand maximum rent. The rent charged is calculated based on household gross income minus out-of-pocket medicalexpenses. Currently, the rent ranges are:Studio: $415 - $911One-Bedroom: $455 - $976These rents include utilities (excl. phone, internet, cable). We happily accept tenant-based housing vouchers in theseapartments.
EM2 has project-based Section 8 rental assistance on all apartments. The property consists of studio and one-bedroomapartments. Because we have project-based assistance, tenant-based vouchers are not allowed. Rent is calculated as30% of your Monthly Adjusted Gross Income.If your income is too high to qualify for our sliding scale apartments, we do have a limited number of “over-income”apartments available at both PEM and EM2.
In addition to rent, there is a MANDATORY meals program for both PEM and EM2. We do not offer exemptions from thisprogram. Our meals program features a daily meal delivered to your door!Current Meal Charge: $180 per person per month*this is under $6.00 per mealIf you do not want the meals program or are unable to participate due to food allergies/special diet, we encourage youto apply for EM3 as this property does not currently participate in the program.
EM3 consists entirely of one-bedroom apartments. The meals program is optional, but we encourage participation byour EM3 residents! The apartments are equipped with full kitchens, including a dishwasher. The current rent is $730which includes utilities (excl. phone, internet, cable). There are also washer/dryer hookups, and sets can be leased for$20/month. If you bring your washer & dryer, they must be under five years old and Energy Star efficient. There isno project-based subsidy available. Tenant-based vouchers are welcome and encouraged.Common household pets under 25lbs are allowed with a $300 deposit for a dog or cat or a $50 deposit for a bird. The petdeposit can be paid $25/month until paid off. Deposits are refundable at move-out.EAGLE
715 N. FEE STREET HELENA, MT 59601 (406) 442‐0610 TTY 711 EMAIL: gdensmore@rmdc.netAll utilities are paid except Telephone, Internet, & Cable.PEM & EM2 include a Mandatory Meal Program. If you do not want to participate in this program, Eagle Manor IIIdoes not have this requirement. The current monthly rate per person is $180.00 and includes 1 meal per day.
RENTAL SCREENING CRITERIAIncomplete applications or applications with incorrect information will be denied. Applicant must have form of income to apply. Occupancy must be limited to no more than 2 persons per bedroom The prospective resident must initially provide unmistakable identification. A driver’s license or other Picture IDis acceptable. Valid proof of a social security number is also required. Our apartment complex provides homes for senior citizens at least 62 years old and for persons with disabilities.You must meet one of these criteria to qualify for residency. Our Tenant Selection Plan allows us to givepreference to the elderly. No less than five (5) years of current and previous verifiable landlord references are to be listed on theapplication provided with telephone numbers and addresses. If no rental history, then you must provide 3professional references. If you own your own house or mobile home when you apply, landlord references arenot necessary.
Inability to meet any of the above criteria for residency will result in the denial of the application for residency.Please note: we will run criminal & credit background checks before offering an apartment.Rocky Mountain Development Council, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex, Familial Status, Physical orMental Disability, Creed, Marital Status, Political Beliefs, Veterans’ Status, Age, or Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression, or GeneticInformationRevised: 9/27/23
If you change your mind about which Waiting List you wish to be on, we will add you to other lists as of the date you make the change known to us. Thank you for your assistance in completing this form. If you have questions about this information, please contact us at (406) 442‐0610 or TTY711.
Other household members:
NOTICE: You are required to notify the Property Manager of ANY change of address and/or phone number. If we cannot contact you at the phone number you provide us, your name will be removed from the waiting list and you will need to re‐apply.
How long at current address?
Current Landlord
Please list any other previous addresses in the last 5 years in the text box below.
Required Income and Asset Information
Income Sources
Please list ALL 1) income sources followed by their 2) gross monthly and 3) net monthly amounts. Examples of income sources include wages, social security, pensions, etc.
Assets/Bank Accounts
Please list ALL assets or bank accounts by 1) the bank of financial institution, followed by 2) the account type, and 3) approximate balance. Examples of accounts include checking, savings, CD's, IRA, Annuities, etc.
You must answer ALL of the questions below truthfully with full disclosure. Failure to do so will result in denial of your application. If you accepted and we find there has not been full disclosure, it could lead to eviction.
This property does not recognize any preferences except income requirements per HB‐1‐3560 Appendix 1 Section 3560.257. In compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, we are informing you that information as to your character, general reputation, and mode of living will be verified.
You have the right to dispute the information reported. The facts set forth in this application are true and complete. I/We understand that any misrepresentation of information or failure to disclose information requested on this application may disqualify me from consideration for admission or participation and may be grounds for eviction or termination of assistance. You agree to all the above and sign this of your own free will.
I/We further understand that, upon acceptance of this application for a tenancy, I/WE must provide verification of all income, all assets, and household composition, and sign a Lease Agreement, Property Rules and Regulations, and a Tenant Income Certification.
You, as the prospective tenant(s), agree that a complete investigation of all information on this application will not constitute an invasion of privacy. I/We are aware of and extend the privilege to its representatives to obtain credit reports, current & previous landlord references, and/or character reports as necessary.
WARNING: Title 18, Section 1001 of the U.S. Code, states that a person is guilty of a felony for knowingly and willingly making false or fraudulent statements to any Department or Agency of the U.S. or the Department of Agriculture.
Before submitting your application, please review your notice of occupancy rights under the Violence Against Women Act using the file link below.
Rocky Mountain Development Council, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Religion, Sex, Familial Status, Physical or Mental Disability, Creed, Marital Status, Political Beliefs, Veterans’ Status, Age, or Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression, or Genetic Information