Weatherization is an energy conservation program designed to reduce home heating costs for families on limited incomes.
Appropriate Weatherization procedures are determined by an energy audit. Heating costs are generally reduced by a combination of the following measures:
- HEALTH & SAFETY – Air quality testing, heating system diagnostic testing, and general site inspections are performed to identify potential problems which might exist.
- HEATING EFFICIENCY MEASURES – Designed to improve the operation of the heating system and may include cleaning, tuning, repairs, and or replacements.
- INFILTRATION MEASURES – Designed to reduce air leakage from the home.
- CONDUCTION MEASURES – Designed to reduce heat loss and gain from the interior / exterior of the home by installing insulation. Insulation may be installed in the ceiling, walls, heat ducts, floor, and/or water pipes. Other measures installed if energy savings are determined to include but are not limited to the repair or replacement of windows and doors.
- REPAIRS – Repairs that may be needed to help preserve or protect the material that has been installed and maintain the structural integrity of the home.
Eligibility For Weatherization
Eligibility for Weatherization is based on your income and assets and is determined through your LIHEAP application. If you are eligible for LIHEAP, you are automatically eligible for Weatherization and your household is placed on the MT DPHHS generated Weatherization Priority List. Rocky weatherizes homes in the sequence indicated on the Priority List.
How To Apply
Begin by applying for Low-Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP). Please review the LIHEAP page for further information and application instructions.
You may also apply for Weatherization assistance, or help with a heating emergency at any time during the year, by contacting Rocky’s LIHEAP Office at (406) 447-1625.
Receiving Assistance
All approved LIHEAP applications are ranked for Weatherization priority and placed on the MT DPHHS-generated Weatherization Priority List. Special priority is given to older adults and disabled individuals. We are not able to reach every household on the Priority List every year, so please continue to reapply for LIHEAP each season if you are not contacted for Weatherization.
What Happens If I Am Selected To Have My Home Weatherized?
An energy auditor will set up a time to visit with you about your home’s needs for Weatherization materials. The auditor is trained to determine the most cost-effective Weatherization measures for your home. These measures may include a furnace tune-up, caulking, client education, insulation, weather-stripping, storm windows, replacement of broken glass, or repair of exterior doors.
Weatherization workers may not be able to install all the materials you need, but they will do the most important Weatherization within the dollar limits allowed. In some cases it may not be cost effective to install any Weatherization measures.
When your home is scheduled for Weatherization work, a crew or an independent contractor will come to install the necessary materials in your home. After the work is completed, you will be asked to sign a statement indicating that you believe the work was done properly and to your satisfaction.